The Crooked House pub and restaurant in South Staffordshire, England is thus 
named from a 19th century mining subsidence, one side of the building is 
approximately 4 feet (1.2 m) lower than the other.-------------

Couldn't help but think about Mayberry's learning church when I saw this 
picture; O and my visit to the leaning tower of Pisa. I always have assumed 
that if a foundation allowed for the whole building to lean to one side, an 
attempt at leveling the building by washing away the foundation on the higher 
side would simply cause the wall ( or that side ) of the building to crumble to 
the ground. However, ... HOWEVER, regardless of what happens to Mayberry's 
church or this pub, the pool table Elmo suggested would have been my choice as 

Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry

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