And let's not forget Chester was played by Parley Baer who went on to play 
Mayor Stoner on TAGS.

   1. Gunsmoke on TAGS, of Vice-Verse (m white)

TAGS fans,
Was listening to a "Gunsmoke" radio drama from 1953. Doc (Howard McNear) was 
all upset when Matt got back into Dodge because there was a man peddling a 
miracle elixir cure that contained opium. The "Professor" peddling the miracle 
cure was played by John Dehner, who of course was still peddling miracle cures 
a hundred years or so later in Mayberry as Colonel Harvey! Let's just say 
Mayberry was much more friendly to him than Dodge.
Then, in the next episode, Matt went up against an army deserter and suspected 
murderer played by James Best, aka the Guitar Player Jim Lindsey.
And having listened now to the first two seasons of Gunsmoke on radio, Howard 
McNear is listed as one of the stars but John Dehner, who is on more episodes, 
is only ever listed as a guest star.

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