Well, as for me, I really slacked off on posting to the digest because I had so 
much trouble with my posts not going through.  It's discouraging to spend time 
and effort writing a post and then never seeing it appear on the digest; or, as 
in a few cases, seeing it appear several days or a week or two later when it's 
not relevant anymore.  I don't know what caused that because I didn't used to 
have that problem, and I've been a member of the digest for well over twenty 
years.  Having said that, I do still read every digest that I get.

I do not spend a whole lot of time on Facebook, but I do read and post more 
there.  It's immediate, you can post photos, and it's easier to interact with 
folks.  The digest still has its place, but I think we all have to admit that 
it's pretty "old school" these days!  I commend Allan for keeping it going for 
those who don't do Facebook.

Now, I just hope this post goes through and I see it in tomorrow's digest!

Thelma Lou

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