Hi Casey,

Do a search for "IF worksheet function" in Excel's help, and take a look at
Example 3, hopefully it is what you are looking for. Basically, you can
nest the IF functions up to 7 in depth. It will look something like that
(trying to copy and paste here, sorry in advance if the formatting gets
screwed up):

Formula Description (Result)
=IF(A2>89,"A",IF(A2>79,"B", IF(A2>69,"C",IF(A2>59,"D","F")))) Assigns a
letter grade to the first score (F)
=IF(A3>89,"A",IF(A3>79,"B", IF(A3>69,"C",IF(A3>59,"D","F")))) Assigns a
letter grade to the second score (A)
=IF(A4>89,"A",IF(A4>79,"B", IF(A4>69,"C",IF(A4>59,"D","F")))) Assigns a
letter grade to the third score (C)

In the preceding example, the second IF statement is also the
value_if_false argument to the first IF statement. Similarly, the third IF
statement is the value_if_false argument to the second IF statement. For
example, if the first logical_test (Average>89) is TRUE, "A" is returned.
If the first logical_test is FALSE, the second IF statement is evaluated,
and so on.

The letter grades are assigned to numbers using the following key.

If Score is             Then return
Greater than 89   A
>From 80 to 89     B
>From 70 to 79     C
>From 60 to 69     D
Less than 60            F

                      "Casey Crookston"                                                
                      <casey.crookston@imib        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                      evcore.com>                  cc:                                 
                                                   Subject:  [wdvltalk] FW: If Then in 
                      10/10/2002 11:03 AM                                              
                      Please respond to                                                

What is the syntax for a multiple If Then statement in Excel?


This works great for a single if then, but what if I want to evaulater a
range of possibilities?  The value of the logical test could be A, B, C,
or D, and for each one I need a separate value_if_true.

Does this make sense?


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