Dear Everyone,
I feel incredibly rude busting in like this with my usual load of questions. I've been 
taking a
prolonged break from web maintenance and now must resume my duties. As usual, I don't 
know what I'm
doing. As usual, I'm kind of crashing ahead and just doing it, messing it up and 
fixing as I figure
stuff out.

My latest problem involves putting images on a page. I thought I had the hang of it, 
but I'm adding
pictures that require captions and getting the captions to sit nicely next to the 
pictures is a lot
harder than I expected. Here's the messed up page:

I'd like most of the captions to be to the right of the pix. Ha! Also, the width of 
the table seems
to have shrunk somehow since I've fiddled with it. I'm tired right now and should stop 
before I make
things worse.

The positioning of the captions is a real problem to me. I'd appreciate any 
suggestions any of you
have. I feel rather pleased with myself at having figured out a way (setting up a 
secret file and
uploading it to the site) you can all view the page and get under the hood to see the 
code. The fact
I'm pleased with such an elementary move will probably tell those of you who don't 
know me volumes
about my lack of training and expertise. Sigh.

Thank you in advance. It's nice to be back amongst you all. I've actually been 
swilling down great
quantities of beer on the social list for several weeks, drumming up the nerve to get 
back into

Sherry from NH

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