I agree, James. My boss is pretty overwhelmed learning her job. I used to be a
vocational counselor and my guts are telling me this new person may well be
unemployable. I'm going to be taking a good look at her this week to see if we
can find some very low level tasks for her to do. She's on some sort of senior
(over 65) employment program but still, I think she can learn some e-mail

I can't help but compare her with my late mother-in-law. Mom went to a couple of
ElderHostel computer-oriented weeks in her late 70s/early 80s. She came home,
pondered the matter, then said to me quite seriously "Sherry, I've decided I'm
not going to learn about computers." I told her I thought this was a fine
decision, considering in her lifetime she'd gone from watching her own mother
clean the family oil lamps with crumpled newspaper to seeing men walk on the
moon. She could take a pass on computers.

Were this conversation to take place today, instead of 15 years ago, I would
encourage her to learn some simple e-mail skills and get her a Mail Station so
she could keep in touch with the grandbabies.

James Jarvis wrote:

> - Maybe its just me, but Email does seem to run on a common sence pattern,
> my 67 year old grandmother has a laptop, and i taught her email and the
> internet in an hour.
> Aswell as the websites, I support 30 people in this office for their IT, and
> I find the common problems stem from lazyness. If you left them on their own
> to do something for 10 mins, chances are they would know how to do it. if
> you are stood within 20ft of them when another "simple" problem comes up,
> they will ask you without trying to solve it themselves. The future is in
> technology, and the sooner people realise it the better.

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