Comments below:

David Blakey wrote:

> The Flash animation is not on HP's home page, of course.  Even those of us
> who oppose ill-thought-out implementations of Flash have pointed out (in my
> case, ad nauseam, I thought)

Guess not. Or I'm particularly deaf. I may have missed those discussions
actually, because I took a several month break.

> that a Flash or similar animation can be useful to make particular points at
> particular times in the visitor's purchasing cycle.  (I have written before
> about the client whose Web developers included a Flash animation of the
> white-board presentation that the client has used successfully to close
> several deals.)  But not on the home page.

If I were sitting through a boring meeting (is there any other kind?) I would
probably welcome a Flash presentation to liven things up. Now that you mention
it, I almost always see Flash used as an intro to a site. And yes, that's part
of the reason I find it annoying. I no sooner hit the place than I have to sit
around and wait for something to load that I now have to wait for it to be over
before I can get down to the business at hand (tortured English, that--sorry).

> The sad factors that may be at work with the many inappropriate Flash
> animations are:
> 1.  The company is either run by geeks or allows the geeks free rein.
> 2.  The marketing department does not know that the Web is not just another
> form of TV or cinema  advertising.
> 3.  The art department does not know the difference between a good graphics
> designer and a good Web designer.

Excellent points. I'm beginning to see perhaps it's inappropriate use of Flash
that I dislike, not Flash itself.

I'm never going to warm up to animated gifs, though. Or music on sites, except
in rare cases.

Thank you for your time.

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