Hi Sio,

> Why would anyone opt to switch from an asp site to a php one? Would 
> there be any value? (Jon I'm sure you'll have something to say about 
> this:).


There aren't very many reasons I can see. Both languages offer decent
environments for web application development, and the one you choose is
dependent to a large extent on what other technology you're using - IOW, let
your requirements dictate your language choice, not the other way round.

I suppose if a shop was making a switch from Microsoft to some flavour of
Unix (maybe in protest about the new licensing fee structure, or something)
then there would be a requirement to rewrite code in a non-MS language.

<gross generalisation>

PHP has the pro of running under just about any OS going and plugging into
just about any web server out there. The downside of this portability means
that it's not incredibly tightly integrated with anything (although it plays
very nicely with most other software).

ASP works the other way round - it's very tightly integrated with
Microsoft's other stuff, and you can do some really whizzy things if you run
IIS, Exchange, SQL Server, and all the other MS stuff. The downside of this
tight integration is a reduction in portability.


Of course, PHP 5 is nearing completion (and it'll support .NET), so the
battle may be hotting up soon - especially given that ASP.NET is, by all
accounts I've heard, a considerable improvement over its predecessor.

If you have a large amount of code written in ASP it'll be a *major* PITA to
convert it all, so I would be *very* curious to know why the "anyone" in the
quoted post is even considering the switch... the time to make the "which
language" decision is when the system is specified, not after it's been put
together :-)


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