Personally I don't think the image/link for validation belongs on a
commercial site. If you want to 'brag' about it put someplace like the
accessibility policy. Include that it is Section 509 and/or WAG validated as
well which is more important to clients, especially those that deal with
government agencies. 

Otherwise I don't see the point. I've never met a client who really cared
whether the code validated or not as long as it "works".

Almost everything I do validates against doctype and the appropriate css
level. The biggest reason I can't claim everything validates is that I have
some sites that the client's needs dictate that it look/function the same in
NN 4.x so I have to use some invalid markup such as 'margin-height' to
achieve that goal.

My standard contract calls for a link somewhere on the site identifying our
company as site designer but if the client prefers we don't insist. I would
never put our name on  the site without a client's permission. 

By all means 'pat' yourself on the back for going with tableless designs and
valid markup but do so on your site either in your 'about us', portfolio or
where ever else it seems appropriate. Brag to this list and/or any others
you maybe involved with (and ask for site checks to make sure it doesn't
fall apart in some OS/browser combination. Especially from those on
platforms different from what you are using. That's how I found out that one
of my pages which looked great in IE 6, NN 6.2, Mozilla, Opera 5 & 6 on the
PC and IE 5.2, Mozilla and Netscape on the Mac broke in IE 5 for the PC
something I no longer have access to since my last pc running it died.

Cheryl D. Wise
Office: 713.353.0139
Mobile: 713.412.0406


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