On Friday, January 31, 2003 at 21:17, Jan Major wrote:

JM> IE 6.0 refuses to open the first two movies, no matter how
JM> I arrange them, although it has no problems with the other
JM> 4.  I have tried using a table to enclose the images, also
JM> using individual tables, and still no go.

the javascript might be ok...a missing quote or something in the html??

JM> <a href="javascript: void(0)" 
JM> onClick="openWindow('videos/batman2.html','batmanmovie','160','120','no')" 
JM> onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()" target="_self"><img 
JM> src="videos/batman_thumb.jpg" alt="Batman" width="50" height="50" 
JM> border="1"></a>

do you really need to only open the links in a window??  you're gonna get
nothing if you have a js error or have js turned off.  do you really lose
much from having:

   <a href="videos/batman2.html" onlick="openWindow(this.href, this.target,
      '160', '120', 'no');" target="batmanmovie"><img ... /></a>

the onblur bit you have just loses the marching ants??  and makes it very
hard to navigate using the keyboard.

see: Links and Javascript Living together in Harmony @ evolt.org
(i can't get to evolt at the mo or there'd be a link here! :>)

JM> If you would like to check out the actual page, you can go
JM> here:

JM>      http://www.outrageousevents.net/videoclips2.html

this throws a 404 error.



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