Hello puterbug.com,

You need to use ServerAlias directive of an apache server. But it's
only allowed in a virtual host context.
Solution will be to put following line in your vhost definition:

ServerAlias www.web-developers-corner.puterbug.com
web-designers-corner.puterbug.com www.web-designers-corner.puterbug.com

You need to type it all on one line.

You vhost config will look smth like this:
<VirtualHost *>
  ServerName web-developers-corner.puterbug.com
  ServerAlias www.web-developers-corner.puterbug.com web-designers-corner.puterbug.com 
  #Some more options...

And if you DO have access to httpd.conf (or, at least, your vhost
configuration file) it is strongly recommended to put all directives
in there, and disable .htaccess completely (AllowOverride None) for
perfomance reasons.


Friday, January 31, 2003, 3:04:15 PM, you wrote:

pc> I put up my new boards here:  http://web-developers-corner.puterbug.com

pc> However, even I cannot remember to use the word "developers"  ... I keep
pc> using the word "designers" instead (yeah ... I know blonde roots are showing).
pc> So, of course when I type in the url:  http://web-designers-corner.puterbug.com
pc> I get a page not found error.

pc> Since even the do-do brain (that would be me) that created these boards
pc> can't remember what they're called, I would like to find a way to direct
pc> folks (myself included) to the right place.

Best regards,
 German                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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