I'm pretty sure that the "height = '100%'" and "style = 'height: 100%'" do *NOT* work any longer in the newer IEs (like IE6) and newer Netscapes (like 7). This is based on my experience with a site I worked on a while ago (www.jeremypeirce.com) that uses a table to layout the page elements ... my goal was to have the sidebar go all the way to the bottom of the page by setting the height of the table it was part of, but I was thwarted! Works ok in older browsers and in Opera 6, though.

Can anyone else speak to this apparent change, and/or offer any ways around it? Or tell me whether this behavior is a result of some snafu on my part?
Amanda Birmingham

At 07:54 PM 2/6/2003 -0800, you wrote:

Is it possible to specify that a HTML table expand it's height to fit the
whole page. If so, what is the code?

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