Hi Paul,

I hope I understand correctly (little sleep can make you see things)...

In MSSQL when a record gets updated it "deletes" it first and then it
"inserts" the new information. To us it looks like it just updated the
information. So I assume it will happen the same in MySQL.  The reason you
cant update the record is becuase you "mapped" (setting up primary and
secondary key contraints - employees.emp_group and
employee_groups.grp_name). I suggest you rather set up your constraints
using employees.emp_group (make it an INTEGER) and employee_groups.grp_id.
That way if you want to update the group name you only have to do it in
employee_groups.grp_name.  While you are updating your employees table with
the group information you can drop the constraints and then activating it
again when you are finished. Im not quite sure what the MySQl commands for
that will be.

I hope this helps. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Larue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 March 2003 02:29 AM
Subject: [wdvltalk] RE: [MySQL] InnoDB - Updating a parent table won't
update the child table - HELP

Me again, Anybody can help?


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Larue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:58 AM
Subject: [wdvltalk] [MySQL] InnoDB - Updating a parent table won't
update the child table

Hi all,
I created 2 tables in MySQl with the following statements
CREATE TABLE employees (
        emp_last_name TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
        emp_first_name TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
        emp_nick_name TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
        emp_date_joined DATE NOT NULL,
        emp_date_left DATE,
        emp_title TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
        emp_group CHAR(50),
        emp_address TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
        emp_city TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
        emp_phone CHAR(7) NULL,
        emp_mobile CHAR(7) NULL,
        emp_national_id CHAR(14) NOT NULL,
        emp_social_security CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
        emp_tax_ac CHAR(8) NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_id),
        KEY (emp_group),
        FOREIGN KEY (emp_group) REFERENCES employee_groups(grp_name)
COMMENT="Stores information about employees in company"

CREATE TABLE employee_groups (
        grp_name CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        grp_overtime_paid BOOL NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (grp_id),
        INDEX (grp_name))
COMMENT="Stores group names and their properties"
The field employee_groups.grp_name is 'mapped' to employees.emp_group and
the referential integrity is set all the associated fileds to NULL when the
parent record is DLETED and to CASCADE when the parent record is UPDATED.

Creating the tables is fine. Inserting data in the tables is fine too. But
when I try to update a record in employee_groups, MySQL returns the
following error

mysql> UPDATE employee_groups SET grp_name = "FOO" WHERE grp_id = 1;
ERROR 1217: Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

Why is it telling me that I'm trying to delete the record when I'm only
doing a simple update?

Deleting the records is ok, MySQl sets the associated fields to NULL. But
the update WON'T work...

Any clue?

Thanks in advance


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