Erick Papadakis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 1. How do I recognize browsers that can understand CSS 2? For instance, I

> have some CSS which Opera 7 recognizes but Opera 6 does not. How can I

> structure my CSS calls so that only Opera 7 picks it up? I tried @import

> but even opera 6 picks it up.

Hi Erick,

This page may help you:

Looks like the Owen Hack might work in reverse; hide a redefinition for Op7
away from Op6.


> 2. Would anyone have a good example of show/hide DIVs in a manner that is

> CSS compatible -- I want it to "degrade" gracefully, i.e., in NS4...

I'm working on a project just like that right now. Our IT team is supplying
users with NN4.7 and IE5.5 so my everything I do has to support both
browsers if possible. Try this:

<script type="text/javascript">

// here's my simplified sniffer

var msie;

var nn;

if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){

msie = navigator.appName;}

if(navigator.appName == "Netscape"){

nn = navigator.appName;}

var tab;

function ToggleLayer(){


tab_one = document.getElementById("tabOne");

( == "visible")? = "hidden": = "visible";}


tab_one = document.layers["tabOne"];

(tab_one.visibility == "show")?

tab_one.visibility = "hide":

tab_one.visibility = "show";}}


The function works like a toggle switch so you use the same function in both
the onMouseover and onMouseout.


Perry Gerenday

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