Darren, the problem is only occuring when I have an uneven no. of rows in
the db - the ASP is choking when there isn't the correct number of entries
in the DB to fill out the HTML row evenly & fully. Any idea on what do I
need to do to fix this?

The proper URL: www.liammullins.com/res.asp

thanks again

The (Your) Code I'm using:

   dim objConn,sSQL, objRS
   Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=liam"

' note, using select * is bad, bad, bad! :>
' see: http://www.adopenstatic.com/faq/selectstarisbad.asp for more
'      details
   sSQL= "SELECT pic, address, town, county, desc, price FROM residential"

   Set objRS=objConn.Execute(sSQL)

   <!-- should really check to see if we have any records before starting
        to create the table -->
   <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="98%"

   do until objRS.EOF
      Response.Write "<tr align=""center"">"

      ' this is the left-hand column
      <td valign="top" class="prop" width="10%" align="left">
         <img src="prop/<%=objRS("pic")%>" width="180" alt="Liam Mullins
      <td valign="top" class="prop" align="left" width="40%">
         <b><%=objRS("address")%></b><br />
         <b><%=objRS("town")%></b><br />
         <b><%=objRS("county")%></b><br><br />
         <b>Description:</b> <%=objRS("desc")%><br />
         <b>Price Guide:</b> &euro; <%=objRS("price")%> <br />
   ' now do the right hand column
   ' the movenext could put us beyond the end of the recordset if we have
   ' an odd number of records...

      if objRS.EOF then
   ' no record, so finish the table off cleanly
         <td valign="top" class="prop" width="10%" align="left">&nbsp;</td>
         <td valign="top" class="prop" align="left" width="40%">&nbsp;</td>
   ' grab all the details
      <td valign="top" class="prop" width="10%" align="left">
         <img src="prop/<%=objRS("pic")%>" width="180" alt="Liam Mullins
      <td valign="top" class="prop" align="left" width="40%">
         <b><%=objRS("address")%></b><br />
         <b><%=objRS("town")%></b><br />
         <b><%=objRS("county")%></b><br><br />
         <b>Description:</b> <%=objRS("desc")%><br />
         <b>Price Guide:</b> &euro; <%=objRS("price")%> <br />
      end if
   ' if objRS.EOF then
   ' close the row
      Response.Write "</tr>"
   ' move to the next record

   ' do until objRS.EOF
   Response.Write "</table>"


   Set objRS=nothing
   Set objConn=nothing


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