Hello Marvin,
     On Thursday, May 29, 2003, 7:38:14 PM, you wrote:

MC> Apologiez in advance for the long winded post.
MC> I'm wondering if anyone can assist me with a problem I'm having getting
MC> the default pages of the domains I've added to my httpd.conf file to

Posted below is a copy of one of my virtual sites modified
w/ the information you use for your site2. Note - I host on
a Cobalt Raq3 so some of the lines suach as the 'alias
match' may not be relevent, but should get you in the right

Also, if you are hosting your own DNS, you need to create
each site in the DNS, or for testing, create the appropriate
entries in your local hosts file. (should be /etc/hosts)

You also need to be sure you have a default page (i.e.
index.html) in each site's folder.

While I haven't been subscribed for a while, the apache
list at moongroops.com was helpful when I was starting out.


ServerName www.domain2.com
ServerAdmin siteadmin
DocumentRoot /wwwroot/htdocs/virtual/domain2
ServerAlias domain2.com
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}                !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}                !^www.domain2.com(:80)?$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)                      http://www.domain2.com/$1 [L,R]
RewriteOptions inherit
AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/(.*))? /wwwroot/htdocs/virtual/domain2/users/$1/web/$3
AliasMatch ^/users/([^/]+)(/(.*))? /wwwroot/htdocs/virtual/domain2/users/$1/web/$3
AddHandler cgi-wrapper .cgi
AddHandler cgi-wrapper .pl
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
AddType    text/html     .shtml

Patrick G.
(Off list replies are fine - see headers for my address)

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