Ross Clutterbuck<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:52 PM, said:
> Thanks for the welcome back! That script is gonna be useful for the
> future so it's now resident on my bunch of ASP servers - cheers!

Well, it's good to have you back. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some more 
of your designs!
> The business site is *almost*  there (only now 8 months in
> development, but I've only actually spent about 6 weeks in total on
> it grrr) and I HATE IT!!! It sucks, I messed up and I'm gonna cry lol.

Heh, I know the feeling. I just finished a project that was around 8 months in the 
making (~4 or 5 weeks actual time).  My first Web App with a full CMS/dynamic back 
end.  After looking at it for that long, I absolutely hated it and ended up completely 
redesigning it just for my own edification.  Of course, it's probably one of the 
better designs I've ever done, so I guess it's for the best :)

Out of curiosity, what is it you messed up on? Just validation issues?  I might be 
able to help with some of that.


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