Cheryl wrote: 
I totally agree, I don't expect my pages to look exactly the same cross
browser/platform and at all screen resolutions. If a 3px jog ever drove
to the point I needed to use hacks so it wouldn't be there on any
browser it
would be time for me to find a new line of work.

Tim responds:
Unfortunately, my job requires that our site be pixel-perfect across
IE4+ and Netscape 4.7+.  3px will drive me buggy because it drives the
PTB buggy.  If it weren't for that low-end Netscape, it wouldn't be so
bad; but my CSS is limited to font stuff, mostly, since I'm forced to do
table layout for NN4.7.  Not using any hacks at this point, and only
have to browser-sniff for a couple minor details.  However, I'm sure it
blows on Mac because I don't have access to any Macs to test it and
they're not interested in it.  They're talking about maybe dropping
NN4.7 support in a year or two after Boeing upgrades their corporate
browser (if they ever do).


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