On Thursday, November 6, 2003, 12:27:07 PM, Rita Crisafi commented:

RC> AND...in a nutshell :-), what would I have to do if I was required to 
RC> accomodate these old-browser users?

Rita, your page degrades well in lynx and Netscape 3. It
isn't pretty, but it's readable.

You've coded it well to allow it to degrade because you've
left everything in the order it should appear. An easy check
for you to do is to simply view the pages you create without
the style sheet to see what they look like. You will lose
lines and color, but as long as you don't start seeing
overlapping elements you have a site that probably can be
viewed well in earlier browsers.

RC> But in the case of the document 
RC> we've been looking at, wouldn't it make more sense to use a detect 
RC> script and then actually point to different DOCUMENTS? where i could 
RC> set up the page in tables?

Yes, that fine for a SMALL site, but a lot of work for a
large site or one where you expect to keep on adding
content. It's better to simply assume that anyone who is
using older generation browsers is going to be focused on
content, not beauty, and simply make sure that the site is
readable & navigable.

I recently revamped my 150 page + site to use CSS, and I did
use browser-sniffing SSI code to pull up many of the older
HTML 3 generation elements, so if you go to the site with an
older browser you see the "old" site as well, but I have
mixed feelings about it. I don't think I would bother with a
new site.

RC> FINALLY, Does anyone have good clean browser detect javascript code 
RC> to show me, I've looked around the net and I don't know enough about 
RC> JS to tell if the code is "good" or junky.

If you use javascript for browser detect, some older
browsers will choke on the javascript - and of course it
won't work for anyone who has turned off javascript on their
browsers.  There are some cleaner, non-browser detecting
hacks you can use because of differing properties of
different generations of browsers. For example, I don't
believe that Netscape 4 recognizes the @import protocol for
importing a style sheet, so you can set a very simple
stylesheet for the site using the <link rel="stylesheet"
convention, with the more complicated style sheet called up via

If you Google for "stylesheet hacks" or "browser
compatibility hacks" you will find information on various
approaches.  There are mixed feelings on this -- CSS purists
don't like hacks, because you are purposely creating
nonstandard code to exploit the holes in non-CSS compliant
browsers.  There is no one way to do it - so you won't find
an easy or consistent tutorial. But, especially for a site
with a relatively simple layout, it can be a quick way
to resolve stylistic conflicts.



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