Occasionally, we get a client who wishes to have a web site, but would like to barter all or part of the fee. Upon occasion, we take them up on that.

My wife, daughter and I all became certified scuba divers after bartering with a local dive shop operator. Now I can't get enough of it and I'm kicking myself for not getting certified when I was younger.

I also bartered with a local car dealership when I needed to buy a car for my daughter. We paid 50% of the cost in cash and the rest in barter. My daughter was even able to charm the owner out of a brand new CD stereo system at no charge.

Of course, both you and your client must still track the transaction and include it in your financial reporting, but it's well worth it most of the time.

I mention it because I just did another barter deal yesterday with the general manager for a group of local radio stations. They are owned by Clear Channel Radio which apparently doesn't provide any budget to their stations for web sites. They are expected to pay for web sites themselves from their own revenues. A good thing to know if you have a Clear Channel radio station near you that doesn't have a web site.

We're going to create the web sites for the 5 local stations in exchange for on-air advertising and a cut of the revenue from products sold through the sites (T-shirts, etc. on CafePress).

If you have a local radio station that doesn't have a web site, you might want to approach them with the same kind of deal.


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