The counter gets its stats from website that are using the free counter they
offer. Generally the stats will be skewed towards hobby sites since they are
generally on free hosting or hosting provided as part of their ISP package
and don't have access to real statistics. 

As you pointed out if you get a lot of academics you will see a much higher
rate of Linux/Mac users than you will in the general population. I had a
site that as recently as April 2003 received over 40% of its hits from NN
4.x users because it was a site related to a class I teach for a local users
group. Their computer lab (and every other computer on the premises) had NN
4.67 as the default web browser. Since many of the members have the user
group as their ISP when they would call for tech support it would be
strongly recommended that they use NN 4.x. 

I kept trying to convince them that if they didn't want IE they should use
Mozilla or NN 7 but those weren't "stable" enough for the admins, grrrrh.
Now they have standardized on IE 6 with XP Pro after the latest round of
updates but I've still over heard tech support saying that NN 4.x was still
the best. I'd bang my head in frustration if I didn't already have a

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
713.353.0139 Office

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Birmingham 

Useful link!  I think one needs to be cautious, though, about giving much
weight to any such survey ... I couldn't quickly find a description of how gathers their stats, but such sites often use either their
own access records or combine the access records of a few other sites.
Thus, you're seeing how many users *of that site* have javascript
enabled--useful if you believe that your site will have a similar
demographic, but that isn't guaranteed.  If you know (for example) that your
site will be used by visually impaired users, then you'd better go find a
survey of javascript enablement for *that* demographic.

This issue has been rather on my mind of late, because I design web
applications used primarily by university-based biologists.  We made some
design decisions based on general browser stats (most users have IE, most
have a relatively recent javascript version enabled, etc)--then it turned
out that university labs have a radically different base of installed
operating systems (and thus browsers) than does the general public.  Linux
and Mac actually seem to dominate ... so back to the drawing board on some
of those decisions.  Brings home how essential it is to know *your* users.

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