--------------- jac wrote: --------------- 
: ... Obviously there's a lot to be done to the
: pages but I don't want to go any further until I get someone
: else's opinion other than my own. 

Mozilla 1.6, Win2k Pro

  I really think the pages could use a splash of constrasting 
color.  Something about the iconography awash in a sea of 
maroon lacks 'oomph' to me.  I've also been leaning heavily 
toward not having my content stretch to fit the browser window
because it simply is not comfortable for my eyes[scr1], and I
have excellent sight. Here is a passage from "Web Style Guide -
Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites":

The ideal line length for text layout is based on the the 
physiology of the human eye... At normal reading distance the 
arc of the visual field is only a few inches - about the width 
of a well-designed column of text, or about 12 words per line. 
Research shows that reading slows and retention rates fall as 
line length begins to exceed the ideal width, because the reader 
then needs to use the muscles of the eye and neck to track from 
the end of one line to the beginning of the next line. If the 
eye must traverse great distances on the page, the reader is 
easily lost and must hunt for the beginning of the next line. 
Quantitative studies show that moderate line lengths 
significantly increase the legibility of text.

I also found a great article[1] on this subject.

Now...  The site is solid.  It functions as expected in my 
chosen browser and is handled with your usual level of pro-
fessionalism.  I think your client will be happy with it as is,
but it could only do better if it had a bit more color or 
perhaps some collaged photographs, etc...


[scr1] http://neohero.municode.com/scr/jac-ifg.jpg
[1] http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol2/design_no4.htm

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