Sorry about the double post -- I'd forgotten that my list settings were to not receive my own messages and I was sitting here going, what's wrong with the list?? :)

Anyway, I realize that the following statement works, but it's really kind of a kludge and I was hoping for something better:

SELECT um.userMovieID, um.userID, um.movieEditionID,
(SELECT TOP 1 borrower_userID FROM MovieCheckouts mc1 WHERE mc1.userMovieID=um.userMovieID ORDER BY dateCheckedOut DESC) AS borrower_userID,
(SELECT TOP 1 dateCheckedOut FROM MovieCheckouts mc1 WHERE mc1.userMovieID=um.userMovieID ORDER BY dateCheckedOut DESC) AS dateCheckedOut,
(SELECT TOP 1 dateCheckedIn FROM MovieCheckouts mc1 WHERE mc1.userMovieID=um.userMovieID ORDER BY dateCheckedOut DESC) AS dateCheckedIn
FROM UsersMovies um
WHERE um.movieEditionID IN ([id list])

That's awfully unwieldy. Anyone got a better way? Thanks.

At 04:37 PM 1/22/2004, Howard Cheng wrote:
SELECT um.userMovieID, um.userID, um.movieID,
   t.borrower_userID, t.dateCheckedOut, t.dateCheckedIn
FROM UsersMovies um
   SELECT TOP 1 userMovieID, borrower_userID, dateCheckedOut, dateCheckedIn
   FROM MovieCheckouts mc
   WHERE mc.userMovieID=um.userMovieID
   ORDER BY dateCheckedOut DESC
) AS t
ON um.userMovieID = t.userMovieID
WHERE um.movieID IN ([id list goes here])

Howard Cheng
howcheng at ix dot netcom dot com
AIM: bennyphoebe
ICQ: 47319315

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