Mainly I think to Rudy for kind comment.

Having now started to understand some of the tutorials and grasped
some part of the logic of table structure and information retrieval I
have set out some tables.   If it is possible can you say whether
these look along the right lines?

For the poetry database:

Main table:
POEMS  Poem_id, title, date_written, date_update[NULL]

Classification tables:
a number with the simple structure:
LIMERICK Lim_id, poem_id
HAIKU haiku_id, poem_id

PUBLISH publish_id, poem_id, bookspp_id [NULL], magspw_id[NULL],
book_other_id[NULL], mag_other_id[NULL]
BOOKSPP book_id, book_name
MAGSPW magspw_id, mag_no, mag_date
BOOK_OTHER book_other_id, book_other_name, book_other_publisher,
book_other_address[NULL], book_other_email [NULL],
book_other_fax[NULL}, book_other_phone[NULL], book_contact1_id[NULL],
MAGS_OTHER (same columns as book_other)

BOOK_CONTACT book_contact_id, book_other_id, book_contact_name[NULL],
(book_contact) _address[NULL], _email[NULL], _fax[NULL], _phone[NULL],
MAGS_CONTACT (same columns as book_contact)

submission record:
SUBMIT submit_id, poem_id, submit_date, response_date[NULL],
accept_date[NULL], reject_date[NULL], payment_offer[NULL],
payment_receipt[NULL], payment_amt[NULL]
BANKED banked_id, submit_id, date, amount
ACCEPTED accept_id, submit_id, acceptance_date, publication_date,
payment_due_date, payment_receipt_ref(publisher's)[NULL],

book sales:
BOOK_SALES_OTHER book_sales_other_id, bookspp_id[NULL], outlet_id,
no_sold[NULL], value
OUTLET outlet_id, name, type, outlet_contact_id
BOOK_SALES book_sales_id, book_spp_id, sale_date, sale_value

And I assume it is possible to have a script to automatically fill in
the last table as sales occur.

Many thanks,


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