Thank you Bj :-). I think I have got the starter.


Bj wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Amrit Hallan"

When I show the result of a query, the entire result
comes on the page, even if there are 100s of
returned rows. How can I show the result page-wise
(for example, the footer of Google where you see
1 2 3 4 5 ...Next)?

The way I do it is by using mysql_data_seek() and a variable $Start to keep track of where I am in the results. Mysql_data_seek(result, row number) sets a mysql pointer to the specified row number in the result so that's the next one you fetch with mysql_fetch_array().

If $Start is not defined, set to 0
Execute the query
Seek to row '$Start'
Fetch rows and display them until you have displayed 20, or reached the end
of the results
If not at the end, add 20 to $Start and give the user a "Next" link to click
that will call the page again, passing the current value of '$Start' in a

You can make this more complicated, as much as you like.  Mysql_num_rows
will tell you how many rows are in the query, so you can have links like
Google for page 1, 2, 3... each with a different start number.  You can also
see if 'start - 20' is greater than 0 and if so, you can have a "Back" or
"Prev" link.

I could show you my code of course, but then I'd have to kill you.  I think
you are more than bright enough to work it out from this! :-)


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