Janet wrote:
I know this isn't a FrontPage group but I asked my question on the FP
newsgroup and got no answer so I thought I would try here. I have
created a form in FP that works fine as a .htm page. However the
page/form needs to be in the password protected area as a .asp page.
When I change the extension to .asp the form no longer works (I get no
acknowledgement page and no email of the form results).

J.R. replied:
The FrontPage extension processor doesn't process ASP pages.
Just like the ASP engine has to look at the file and process everything
between the <% %>'s the FP Extension engine has to go through it and
process everything between the delimeters it uses (I'm not really sure
what they are.) [. . .] Your page can either get processed by the FPExt
processor, or by the ASP processor, not both; it depends on the file
extension. There is no way to force a file through both processors.

ASP and FrontPage extensions CAN exist on the same server, and within
the same site. A fully functional ASP page can call an HTM page with
fully functional FrontPage components, and vice versa; you can even use
frames to display an HTM and ASP at the same time. [. . .] But, each
individual file will only get processed by a single engine.

I'm pretty sure J.R.'s correct...we have a couple of sites that have
both FP and ASP pieces on them, and they both work fine, but don't
interact as far as preprocessing goes.  To really do it properly you'll
need to rewrite the FP components as ASP, which may not really be all
that difficult depending on what you're doing.

J.R. then posted:
After all, this _is_ a developers' group.

OUCH!!!  :-)  No smilies to ease the point on that dart?  LOL  I daresay
as developers *most* of us have used tools that were not of our own
choice.  Janet did ask to not have her wrists slapped.  FP, flawed as it
is, performs one miraculous task: it gives the users the ability to muck
around in their own website, and (at least in my company) once they've
done that, they're responsible for it.  LOL again


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