Hi gang.

Since I started this polite uproar over how to learn the right way to 
compose HTML, XML, CSS, etc. ...

..thanks to all of the many responders and descriptors I've received. Can 
barely keep up with it all.

All I have currently is Thomas Powell's amazing compendium WEB DESIGN: THE 
COMPLETE REFERENCE, Second Edition, from Osbourne/McGraw Hill, which 
contains design and usability guidelines, plus HTML sprinkled liberally 
throughout, but not step by step. Is his book HTML: THE COMPLETE REFERENCE 
any good? or is it not current with web standards?

When I first read this book way back when, after Jakob Nielsen's works, I 
ignored the HTML, since I didn't plan to build any sites. I was just 
interested in the design and usability principles in more technical detail 
than Nielsen, plus some of the practical considerations and problems 
encountered by web designers.

Anyway, I have much to ponder and explore.

[I'm also interested theoretically in bizarre artistic web design 
innovations. All I know is John Maeda and his speculations about round web 
sites and circular oscilloscope monitors. Verging into sci-fi, oh well.]

I'm going to put up a Disposable Blog Site, full of whatever, just to test a 
few widgets, web games, adding code from Technorati and Alexa, etc., then 
delete the blog when I'm done experimenting, and put successful items into 
my real blog sites, which are acting more as business cards/resumes/writing 
sample files for me.

I'm so uninformed, I don't know exactly where to paste code into the main 
body of my blog site template code. Technorati says paste it where your RSS 
feeds and such are, but I don't yet have those things. Afraid if I put it in 
the wrong place, it'll vanish down the digital toilet.

Steven Streight

Web Usability Analysis,
Credibility Assessment
& Content Writing

Direct Marketing and Online Writing Services

mailto: astreight at msn dot com

Usability Information Site:

Web User Research Center:

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