Hi Jon,

The client is not the person giving the sermons.  I
think he just recorded them.  Should I have him send
them to me via e-mail or on a cassette or CD?


--- Jon Haworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you'll probably need the client there when
> the recording is taken -
> who else will give the sermon? ;-)
> There are two steps to this:
> Firstly, recording - get your client to stand in
> front of a microphone and
> deliver the sermon. The mic needs to be connected to
> some sort of recording
> device, and as you'll have to get it onto a PC
> eventually you might as well
> start on the right foot and record directly to the
> hard drive.
> There's a program called "Sound Recorder" somewhere
> on the Start menu (or
> Start > Run > sndrec32 if you can't find it). This
> is fine for your purposes
> and will create a WAV audio file containing whatever
> comes in from the mic
> input. If you like, you can clean up the audio with
> a program like Cool
> Edit.
> Second step is encoding (doesn't matter who does
> this, or where) - WAV files
> are very large, so you need to compress it into MP3:
> this is equivalent to
> saving a TIFF image as a JPG. This is the file you
> upload to the website.
> MP3s are certainly easier to email than WAVs, so if
> your client is
> technically capable I'd get them to record and
> compress their own MP3s and
> email them over to you (even better, build them an
> admin page where they
> could upload them on their own).
> Jon

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