-----Original Message-----
From: rudy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:07 PM
To: wdvltalk@lists.wdvl.com
Subject: Re: [wdvltalk] markup for poetry

> Nothing wrong with the markup
> unless
> the poem
> were
> written
> like this

sorry, drew, maybe i'm not getting it, but the markup for that would be

    <p> unless
    <br />the poem
    <br />were
    <br />written
    <br />like this

oh, did you perhaps have some white space formatting there?

ironic, isn't it?


Yes it was white spaced -- in staggered steps to form a right angle bracket.

And now since I'm over 16 hours behind on the discussion, I'll blithely, but
without piffle, dump some other replies into this one.

Stephen, we can of course reduce all written words to lists using your
argument about lines being implicitly linked. But the main point is really
that semantics shouldn't be the argument about what the meaning of is is.
The idea, again, is to make it possible for machines to catch some of the
extra meaning humans attach to things. 

For a machine to do that, the meaning has to be specific. It doesn't have to
be grandiose, it just has to be specific. Like headers: intended to define
order of importance grouped around a main topic thus forming a possible
table of contents. We are adding perhaps unnecessary complications when
arguing that this list is for links and that list form for poems. That isn't
built into the structure of the language (xhtml or html) and the machine has
no way of recognizing that. And if you create an xml agent which can extract
ol, ul and dl you will get an enormous range of results. That is, the
extractions will not resemble each other except superficially. 

What I'm trying to say is, heretically, that too much is being made over
semantics which are ephemeral. "Best practices" is a changing thing.
Structural specificity, which machines thrive on, is ongoing. So style the
list as makes sense, pre the poem but get the structure right.


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