> I would not want to copy it, but I was impressed by some aspects of
> www.barrym.com (don't ask why I visited it) and particularly by the
> shopping basket.
> Would you agree this is good design?
> Joseph Harris
> _
> ====================================
> What do you mean by a good design?
> Will it work for the audience it's aimed at? Probably so. Got good
> If I wanted a new neon kohl pencil, I'd like to see the shades. Having a
> model holding a pencil to her eye wouldn't help much. Nice to know there
> 4 new brushes for mascara and what they look like. Can't say the neon nail
> paint colors overly impress me. But the site does what it should -- shows
> the products in a forthright manner. Most likely a good compliment to
> media ad campaigns and BarryM's reputation (whatever that might be).
> work. Flash is useless as usual.
> Technically, it's interesting. CSS is well used. The h1 tags do group
> according to subject matter, for example, and are not used for font size
> effect. But since there is no doctype, it's wasted effort. Plus there are
> popup windows and fixed font sizes galore. Text scaling produces strange
> results as a result. And of course the entire thing is a tabled layout
> all the issues that brings to the fore. Good work in a bad framework.
> drew

Thanks drew,

I'd not seen pop-up windows apart from called content, though it was IE on
another machine.   I note the points about tables and HTML issues.

I  think what interested me most is css used for the shopping basket.   I'd
not seen it float like that, or even kept on the visited page before.   I'd
wondered if it was relatively easy to do.


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