Hmm, it's odd that your mouse setting doesn't "stick." I experimented a bit, and on both XP Home and Pro, both with SP2, any changes made in my mouse settings are persistent across restarts. No offense, but I wonder if perhaps it's not Bill (or more accurately, his many minions) that are not quite stable, but rather your particular setup. AFAIK, settings in Control Panel should remain persistent until and unless they are explicitly reset by the user or by software which the user has installed and which has overwritten the same Registry settings controlled by Control Panel.

Is it possible that you have some third-party software which is resetting your mouse settings? Perhaps you have one of the accessibility controls set that might affect this? Or is it conceivable that you have two different mouse drivers active simultaneously, a situation in which I found myself after upgrading from a Logitech to a Microsoft optical wheel mouse? I couldn't get my wheel options to stick or its operation to be consistent until I explicitly removed the Logitech driver. That wasn't a fault of Microsoft, Logitech, or really anyone, but it sure bolloxed things up until I hit upon the cause. Have a look and see what your device settings say you're using for a mouse.

sayings is a moot point.

Yeah, although in the current instance, I think I would go with the secondary meaning, not "of practical significance." One thing that always rings my bell when I see it is people who use "mute" when it is abundantly clear from the context that they mean "moot," yet they apparently have no clue that there are two entirely different words that merely sound *roughly* similar but have completely different meanings.

Scott (who thinks Bill isn't really such a bad guy after all is said and done)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: Spam:Re: [wdvltalk] OT mouse arm

Aha! Steve gets the prize for interpretation. Scott for analysis. Except...

The first reference was a jokey aside on the increased speed (not on the
placing of the control).   The second was a serious annoyance that when I
restart Xp the mouse control goes back to default;  referencing the
instability of the control freak, which Bill almost certainly is.

The exact words are not a saying (yet) but reflect a general opinion about
MS and its founder.   Whether Reading would be in early with the latest
sayings is a moot point.

(moot = matter for debate)

And, while recognising the difficulty of organising a control and choice
system for running something as complex and effective (yes I did write
effective) as Windows, I still find some difficulty in understanding the
logic of paths and titles of various things.

As I have had to reveal, I am neither nerd nor hip;  it is quite unnerving
left in that netherland...

Joseph  (who still thinks that Bill is not stable)

Well, I have to admit that at least that makes the sentence make some kind
of sense, anyway. If that was its intended meaning, though, I'm still not
sure how if fits into the context of the discussion underway at the time.

I mean, if it is intended to be pejorative, as it would seem if one takes
your suggested meaning from it, is it meant to say that Microsoft
(presumably personified by Bill Gates??) wasn't stable because they put
settings controlling mouse sensitivity under "control panel>mouse>pointer
options>speed?" Hey, call me crazy, but I think if I was designing the
system, I might change a lot of things, but I'd probably put the mouse
sensitivity settings right there under "control panel>mouse>pointer

Dunno, though. Still haven't heard from the only person who knows for sure
what was meant. Joseph, are we on the right track here? Was "Bill"
to Gates? To Microsoft in general, via Gates?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: RE: Spam:Re: [wdvltalk] OT mouse arm

>> "That Bill just ain't stable!" > > Gates?


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