No offense taken. Two classes (pun intended) of response. First is that a table 
is inappropriate here. Where's the relationship in the data?  The table headers 
have nothing to do with the cells (unless Stephen has made significant changes 
since Friday night). The table is entirely for visual effect. (Sorry, Stephen 
but you know that is the case.)

The second class of response has to do with classitis. Is this elegant highly 
cascaded code? Nope and it isn't intended to be. The coding style is intended 
to accommodate highly flexible, constantly changing sites. I don't mean sites 
which use a CMS to change the "content area" in a template. I mean sites which 
literally demand a series of new pages which often don't even include the 
omnipresent logo and nav bar. A heavily cascaded style sheet is hinderance in 
that situation. 

I work in both and intra- and internet environments where the likelihood is 
about 50% that the next page I work on won't use the template. I haven't got 
the time, or interest, to keep reworking complicated cascades. What is needed, 
at least as far as my experience with it goes, is a flexible style sheet argely 
based on isolated presentational elements. Cascading is minimal because things 
change too much from page to page to count on having the same 3, 4, or 5 nested 
levels required for a complicated cascade. You'd cringe at a sheet which 
includes rules for "dual", "tri" , "cent", "txtright", and "ital". You'd 
cringe, but you'd know what they mean intuitively and what they portend when 
you see them in the markup. And you'd have palpitations at multiple classes; 
not to mention the inclusion of what are essentially disposable rules written 
just for one thing on that one page. But it makes page construction far quicker 
than reinventing the wheel on each page and having head tag and site crammed 
with alternative style sheets. There isn't a lot on these kinds of pages which 
gets recycled except the basic presentational rules and those for making sets 
of 2 or 3 or 4 floated boxes. 

And this style does another thing: it increases cross-browser and 
cross-platform reliability. This happens because the need for hacks is pretty 
much eliminated. In particular, this clunky style addresses IE failings. 
Clearing with an addition to markup works reliably in IE as long as you stay 
out of quirks mode. More elegant solutions typically require a hack, or two, or 
three.  Since I work in a place where IE is the only browser, I'd  just as soon 
not have to hack and hack. And I want code which will work with browsers that 
aren't IE so I clunk along but it works properly and trouble free. It's complex 
code, but it is adapatable without the fragility inherent in complicated 

Lastly, just to add to the appoplexy (or amusement), I think this style of 
coding will works well in a future with RDF and truples. I'm used to writting 
rules for the content not working around the content. And I think that as it 
comes online, xhtml2.0 will encourage this style. The 2.0 spec contains an 
increased number of elements which move markup beyond parapgraph and list. 
Elements like 'separator', 'nl', and 'sup' specifiy a useful and necessaray 
structural meaning for what are essentially visual cues. That's an exciting 
advancement. Similarly if we actually start to use id as an anchor, 
"mapletrees" will work a lot easier for end users than 
"#main.contentright.subnav2". So all things considered, no, I'm not offended. 


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