Cheryl D Wise wrote:
Both Mac and PC the contrast on the tagline is insufficient, makes it hard
to read.

I'll relay that to the designer and ask him to get me a higher res source file so I can re-export it.

The text size if awfully small on my tablet 1400x1050 on a 12" screen and
since you use px they won't resize in IE. IE at 800x600 has a horizontal
scrollbar on the page but not on the divs.

One of these days I'll get the hang of doing my layouts in ems rather than px, but until then, the fonts in the layouts shall remain px based as well, as I've had some horrid mis-adventures mixing px containers with em fonts.

Bugger on the scroll bar... dunno how I missed that one :( you mention "horizontal scrollbar on the page but not on the divs", is there anywhere you *do* get horizontal scrollbars on the divs (this was a problem with an initial build), or am I misunderstanding?

If I drop the window down to 800x600 in Firefox page also has a horizontal

Windows XP Pro on the above.

Safari & IE on OS X 10.3.something again horizontal scroll at 800 but
otherwise no real difference. The design is essentially the same on both
platforms and in all browsers checked.

Cool ;)

I don't have a problem with the 'funky' navigation on the home page.

Ah, good!

As always, thanks *very* much Cheryl for your attention to details :)

- Stephen

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