Hello all ( at least I hope it is getting somewhere, my last few emails disappeared) Got an irritating little problem that is starting to drive me up the wall, I am making an online catalogue for a client using PHP and MySQL to populate the pages. I want the code to check to see if any rows were returned by the query and, if not, display a message saying that the category is emtp.. easy right? just simple case of using mysql_num_rows() on the query result string and whalah.. but it is being stubborn. mysql_num_rows is returning a blank string instead of 0 or the number
of rows actually there. Heres a snippet of the code

<snippet begins>
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM CatalogueItems WHERE fldcategory=`%s`",$category);
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result) { die("Database Connection Error, Contact the site administrator"); }
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($numrows  =  0) {
echo '<center><font color="red" style="font-weight: bolder">No items exist for this category</font><br> <br><a href="./index.php" class="itemlist">Back to home page</a></center>';
} else {
   .// fetch results arrays and create dynamic page


One category is empty and another has 6 rows, but when doing this code on either of the categories, mysq_num_rows returns " " instead of an int value, so nothign whatsoever is displayed. if I use ($numrows == 0) then it displays the warning text saying nothing is in the category, if I use ($numrows < 1) it displays nothing whatsoever. I have tried debugging by putting dynamic comments in the code, but the value output by mysql_num_rows is always a blank space.

Any help on this before i go completely nuts is appreciated much in advance.

Charles R King
Galatek Webmaster

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