Peter MacGregor wrote:
There's a few of us still around Tris - good to see you back. Some of us have Zimmer frames now and free bus passes - others haven't quite got to that stage but certainly know a lot more than they did two years ago, but not necessarily about coding web sites! LOL

Have a good weekend all!

Peter MacGregor

At 15:38 13/01/2006, you wrote:

I've been away from the list for oh, nearly 2 years now...
Well i've gone and got myself a job now... a real job, with real hours.. no
more freelancing for me.. well, not that much...

I'm gonna be coding in jsp, and wondered if anyone else on the list uses
it, or can recommend any similar jsp lists?

Cheers all, I wonder who else is on the list from when I joined 6(ish)
years ago...
Oh, I'm feeling all tingly...

Wow! What a blast from the past! I've gotta update my photo too, and my email address.

Good to have you back Tris, I'm lurking more than anything else these days, but every so often I chip in...



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