
If you are sharing folders between 2 computers, working in a shared folder on the client computer you are also then updating files on the main computer (and vice-versa) - correct? That could get real tricky I would imagine, heh? Any tips or hints from those experienced that I should know about?

Second question - if you are working in the same fashion as the first question but the computer not in use is also not physically turned on - what happens then when you do turn it on? Which set of files will "take over" the ones that have been worked on/updated or the ones that were not because the other computer was turned off at the time of updating?

Third question - if I can get one blasted folder shared - any ideas why then all subsequent attempts to share other folders have failed? It took me a few tries to get my very first folder shared and I was so proud of me - FINALLY! Then the other shoe fell and I haven't been able to share any subsequent folders. Each time I try I get the error msg:

"The folder you entered does not appear to be valid.  Please choose another."

I'm typing in the folder names the same way I typed in the one that finally worked ( \\CLIENT\FolderName ) and all I get are these errors. I was told that each change takes time - does this mean each time I change a folder to shared on the main computer that the client computer will take awhile to recognize it? Well, if that's the case just how long do I have to wait? It's been hours for some of the folders I've changed to shared and still no luck.


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