I found this on the server site:

*What objects are supplied with your ASP?*
Our system supports the five standard ASP objects:

   * Request - gets information from the user.
   * Response - sends information to the user.
   * Server - controls the Internet Information Server (IIS).
   * Session - stores information about and changes settings for the
     user's current Web-server session.
   * Application - shares application-level information and control
     settings for the lifetime of the application.
   * There is also CDONTS - (Collaboration Data Objects for Microsoft
     Windows NT® Server) - which allow easy access to e-mail systems
     embedded in Windows products.

My new script is:
body = "Form Field Values" & vbCrLf

'***Collect the values
'***in the form

For Each obj in request.form
body = body & obj & " : " & request.form(obj) & vbCrLf
body = body & ""

'***Sends the Email

Dim objSendMail
Set objSendMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objSendMail.To ="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
objSendMail.From ="Barbara Payne"
objSendMail.Subject = "New Newsletter Subscription"
objSendMail.Body = body
Set objCDOMail = Nothing

response.redirect "http://www.reallygoodfreelancewriter.com";

and it is called: <form action="subscribe.asp">

When I run the script, the redirect page works, but I don't get the e-mail. Any ideas?


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