On 4/6/06, Diane Schips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just received 198 bounced/failed/blocked email messages for one of my email 
> addresses.  While I didn't read all of them, they all seem to be the same 
> drug-for-male-enhancement-spam ad, and all seem to have come from the same 
> place if I read the headers right.
> I'm worried that people reporting these as spam could get my domain 
> blacklisted, and even if it didn't, I don't want to be associated with this 
> junk.  Should I report this to anyone, alerting them that these didn't come 
> from me?  Should I save them, since they have the header info, in case I do 
> get blacklisted?
You might get reported but anyone who understands mail headers will
know you aren't the source. Still you might want to tell your isp what
is happening; they may want to keep their reputation from being

Anyone wanting to know about mailheaders can have a look at:



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