I need to open a new window which displays some information when a link is clicked. I have what I think is a straight forward script for doing that. I tested it, and it works on the three computers I have access to, but not on my client's computer. It doesn't work for some of his customers either. Does anyone have an idea as to what the problem may be? Here's the script, in a table cell:

<td width="25%" nowrap height="16">
<font size="2" color="#000080" face="Arial">
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: newwindow = open('http://www.domain.com/info.asp', 'info', 'height=200, width=200, scrollbars=yes'); newwindow.document.write ('<font face=arial color=#191970>For:<br><%=strFor%></font>');
newwindow.focus();">See Info</a>


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