I read everything that comes through but I'm juggling so many things right
now that I am rarely writing anything that I don't have to. <g>

I think Fran is also lurking she mentioned something not long ago and yes, I
recognize those names and some more like Rudy, Andrew, MOU, ...

Cheryl D Wise
MS MVP FrontPage
Online instructor led training http://starttoweb.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter MacGregor  

Good Grief! I must have been around here almost 
from the start of wdvl - and I thought I was moving on! LOL

I wonder how many "old-timers" are still here, 
lurking in the background? David P of course and 
Roel and now Tim's back, Cheryl comes and goes 
(as do we all I guess) and I see Deb is still 
having to work for a living! (Tough Luck Deb - 
I'm in the same boat - but I suspect you're in 
First Class while I'm still down here in 
steerage. <grin>) Anyone know what happened to 
Jaclyn Ward (from Cork I recall?) Anyone remember 
Abigail Marshall - working with dyslexic kids in 
California I think. Are you still lurking Casey 
Crookston? What about Chelsey Gourgaud? Joseph 
Harris was a prolific contributor last year but 
seems to have learnt all there is to know too! 
What about Fran? And Tristan Pretty?

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