At 01:16 AM 10/20/2006, you wrote:
I apologise sincerely for any offence if you thought I was being sarcastic at you! I should have said "type *just* the right question into Google". You have to have a fairly twisted mind to produce the answer you want at the first, or even fifty-first, attempt. None of the 300-plus computer users that I support can do this, or I'd be out of a job. Also when I said 'to save you the trouble' that's exactly what I meant, it would have been quite rude of me to just leave it at steps 1-3 when I had the answer on my screen. But if I had just posted the answer without the method, perhaps I would have been posing as some kind of super guru instead of just someone who used Google to get the answer... modesty and helpfulness, see, not bitterness and cheap shots at all.... :-)

Thanks, Bj. You are correct in that you really do have to twist your mind to find what you need sometimes. I thought I was searching on the right words but as you can see, I was wrong. I also assumed just searching in the WinXP help files on my own computer would yield me the answer - bzzzt - wrong answer, Deb!

I have been in tech support for about twenty years but frankly, skill, knowledge, experience and training are only useful in about 5% of situations. Mainly I earn my living by switching equipment off and back on again, and when that occasionally fails, typing *just* the right question into Google / looking in *just* the right place in the manual or help file... it's a rare gift, I mean a *rare* gift.

Erm, also, I must admit finding this one probably was more like the fifty-first attempt, the first time I had to look for it...

I do appreciate the trouble you went to to find it for me.

I'm not going to mess w/this anymore. I just don't have the time and after being totally locked out after my attempts - I'm now more on the paranoid side of terrified of this happening again. It would have been nice had the program that installed this given me the option of setting it up this way - I'd have surely checked NO! It has to be either the printer or the Wacom Pen Tab as this all happened after that. I do remember something about MSN Messenger or ??? coming up but for the life of me can't remember what it was now. I was just dumbfounded to have installed all of this, gone to bed, got up - rebooted and suddenly there is was w/no warning. There oughta be a law against software doing this but then I would imagine they'd listen about as well as the spammers listen to the laws about spamming and to the people who don't want it.



----- Original Message ----- From: "PBC Web Design" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: [wdvltalk] OT: ridding myself of the Windows Welcome screen

At 05:17 PM 10/19/2006, you wrote:
The answer takes a bit of finding, you have to type just the right question into Google.

Apparently, this was the problem. I had not worded my searches correctly in the WinXP help files to find what you did. Nothing I found in the help files had anything like this. I neglected to mention that I did try the WinXP help files before posting. I did not however, try Google. Thank you. I will try this.

:: Deb | PBC Web Design

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