On Tuesday 21 August 2007 10:54:59 Tris wrote:
> Ello all...
> I've got 2 fields.
> Depending on the result, one might be NULL, this is intentional.
> However, if the 2nd IS null, I want to combine it with eh first...
> eg:
> field1                | field2
> sign up               | NULL
> points claimed        | NULL
> points spent  | claimed prize X
> So in my output I want a new field to be created using CONCAT
> CONCAT(field1, " - ", field2) as field1
> so I WANT the output of field1 to be:
> sign up
> points claimed
> points spent - claimed prize X
> but I'm getting a blank field1 if field 2 is null...

select if(field2 is null, field1, concat(field1, ' - ', field2)) ...

Something like that ought to do it.

(This seems like a very strange DB schema... :) )

David Precious :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://blog.preshweb.co.uk/ :: http://www.preshweb.co.uk/

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