On 9/11/07, Reg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We've finally taken the plunge and attempted to create fully CSS page
> layout templates for our website.  We have over 8,000 pages to
> convert to the new template, too.  So, we are asking for help finding
> potential problems before we get too far into the
> process.  Unfortunately, we do not have access to Macs, Linux, etc.,
> for testing -- only Windows.  We've placed each of the template pages here:
> http://www.dc.state.fl.us/wDCcssSample/
> We would greatly appreciate your thoughts, opinions, and feedback.

Couple of small things relating to css. There are a couple of errors
in the .ul1 selectors. I think you are trying to comment out the
#margin-left using the #. In css the comments as in the /* stuff */
format. The other 'errors' are background color issues and not
something that matters.

Because you are using transitional doctype, fully valid, you get to
cheat a little. You've got some "align" attributes in the element
tags: align=center in a p tag for example. This works in transitional
but in fact is wrong. That's presentation and needs to go into the
styling. Similarly you have images which are align=right which
properly should be floated. It's usually better to play with floats a
bit until they make sense. If you try to change at this point it might
mess everything up. But it gives you something to do in your "free

Lastly, a point I'm almost loath to mention -- header order. There is
a note in the specs about having to use headers in their numerical
order h1 to h6 without skipping. While the note refers to "some
people", it was once mentioned on this list best I can recall, that
those people are the IETF. So if appeals to authority are important to
you, that would matter.

What might matter more is that headers are generally taken to be an
outline structure for a page. If you accept this (it isn't specified)
then you have to rethink your column headings. Starting with h2 is
wrong. And it is certainly erroneous if you are doing it only for the
size effect of the text. Use bigger text instead. Again your practice
may be acceptable in transitional states. (Just as an aside there is
an old and what I find to be sterile debate about having more than a
single h1 per page -- the specs talk about sections and have two  h1's
in the example.)

Overall, it's a good effort and these are mostly minor issues which
familiarity resolves.


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