I am starting at the beginning again with planning a site, and again this will be to do with selling a book, but it will also contain a lot of other material and some sort of forum or, more likely, a 'questions answered' newsletter.

I do not favour any DRM, but don't want the download page exposed or available to non-payers. I am reluctant to think HTTPS, though I know how sensible it is. But I was thinking that maybe [I am using PayPal for payments] there was a way of linking the PayPal transaction number to the download.

I have a feeling this was discussed some time ago, but have not put my mind to the area for two or three years. Any guidance would be welcome.

If you wanted to get a flavour of the direction of this I am using http://debtcontrolman.Wordpress.com to develop some thinking and initial marketing interest.

I am again looking at PHP/MySQL since I should be able to remember it fairly easily, though I might stick to CSS1, since the emphasis has to be on writing and marketing.

I am trying to delay setting up the website briefly, and wonder if, apart from the laborious emailing of ebooks to purchasers, there was some bright way to house the file for download.

I hae been doing a number of preparation things, but find everytime a simple operation is ahead it turns into a labrynthine struggle with time and sanity ;-). It has. for example. taken most of the day just to check and update my PayPal account! In fact, I have jsut remembered, I haven't finished...

Thanks for any help.

Joseph Harris

P.S. I would like to house all the articles in a wordpress folder to enable comment, but don't like the convoluted was wp separates them from the site links. I deas there would be nice too...

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