Well I've just worked out the SSI problem with Html-Kit. The answer lies in options and in pre-listing the page in 'open browser window'. At the moment it only works in IE, but that'll do till I set up on the web and I can refine it.

[But don't ask what delays I have met setting up a simple hosting....]

Many thanks (to David in particular) for help.


From: "David Precious"
On 09/19/2008 10:51 AM, joseph harris wrote:

I've just been banging my head against the wall. The problem is
no mystery [except to me at this moment!]. Neither browser is
picking up any SSI. It looks as though the css is working.

SSI is server-side (hence the name) so the browser has nothing to do
with it.

I can see I'll have to test on a host - it's just so much easier
to do locally!

This may be a stupid question and I don't mean to offend or belittle you, but you are accessing it via a webserver on your box (i.e. the address bar starts with http://) and not just loading the file directly
(with the address bar showing file://), right?

Right. And it is a good question David - but I haven't regressed that far ;-). Access is through the localhost server thus The software is Apache via the EasyPHP 2.0b1 bundle on dear old XpSP2. CSS is picked up but on html, shtml files there is no SSI processing - no error messages, no blank screen.

I don't know if the clue is in Firefoxe's refusal to parse shtml, yet deigning to print the source in the main window. So far as i know - and this is not recollection, but the file that worked for this previous website - this is correct calling
<!--#include file="zin-sub-form-goldblock1.txt"--> and
<!--include file="spw-tailpiece-sp.txt"--> . These two [and others] are certainly text files in the same folder.

.htaccess reads
AddType text/.html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

More ideas welcomed [tied a cushion to my head but still banging the wall].


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