On 11/03/2008 02:50 PM, joseph harris wrote:
>> Joseph: what kind of traffic are you expecting?  i.e. how many
>> subscribers are there, and how frequently do messages go out?

> Probably monthly as a regular posting, but also - since it 
> relates to ongoing matters - with any relevant news comments. I 
> suspect about two or three times a month for that.
> Hopefully by the time the list gets to a thousand or two I'll be 
> placed to purchase a fuller service.  As I have been 'going 
> through treacle' of late I'm not forecasting how long that will 
> take!

OK, you're not looking at serious volumes of email there :)

If you're stuck for finding a decent solution, I can hook you up on my
mailman install (the one that runs wdvltalk-social, along with one of my
lists) if you like; if you create a DNS entry you can effectively
white-label it too.

If you want that, drop me a mail off-list to discuss.


Dave P

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