> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ross Clutterbuck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 05 November 2008 10:08
> To: wdvltalk@lists.wdvl.com
> Subject: Re: [wdvltalk] PHP and HTML output of the same page render
> differently in IE
> Matt:
> I'm always expanding my PHP knowledge - explain to me what the -> does.

'->' is the way you access methods and properties in a class/object... For 
 $my_var = $my_class->getMyVar();


$my_class->my_string = 'foo';

Or, inside the class, you can use the $this keyword e.g.

$this->my_var = $this->getMyVar();

There is also the scope resolution operator :: which allows access to static 
and constant members of a class (which causes an error if the method called 
uses $this)

This is a fairly simple explanation (and it took me a while to get it straight 
in my head) so maybe some reading at http://uk.php.net/class would be a good 

HTH a bit


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