steve miller wrote:
Thanks Dave.

The one gallery I was interested in was coppermine, which requires 777 on certain directories that by design already contain some php files and other misc stuff. Since I may not have the skill to re-write some of these applications, is it possible to add some stuff to an htaccess file to stop new uploads of certain types? I have seen suggestions like:

< FilesMatch "\.(inc|tpl|h|ihtml|sql|ini|conf|class|bin|spd|theme|module|exe|php)$" >
deny from all
< /FilesMatch >

You can't use something like that to stop the files being uploaded, as Apache doesn't see the files; the file being uploaded is just a stream of data that's posted to whatever script is going to handle the upload.

Using something to deny access to any files in the image directories except images /might/ help to prevent an attacker from getting evil scripts to execute after they've been uploaded, but the correct solution is to ensure that the gallery software will not allow malicious stuff to be uploaded in the first place.

Will untrusted users be able to upload stuff, or will uploading be limited to trusted users only? If trusted users only, then, as long as the software has no silly holes in it, you should be relatively safe.


Dave P

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