On Apr 12, 2005 4:15 PM, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think monkey-level means you start with the most obvious thing that
> people understand.  I *think* that is HTML, and imperative form- and
> link-based interaction (though it could be argued that for different
> audiences this isn't the most obvious place to start).  The first thing
> I see in Zope 3 tends to be objects and interfaces.  Maybe this is
> because Zope 3 seems sexy and interesting when you start from this
> direction -- you can do exciting things quickly that way -- and people
> want to show that off.  But exciting isn't accessible, and maybe that's
> a problem.

That sums my feelings about it pretty well. It's not limited to Zope
IMHO. There are too many tools in the Web & Python world trying to be
too clever. My background is network design, and this kind of
discussion reminds me things such as Token Ring x Ethernet, OSI x TCP,
and even ATM x TCP/IP to some extent. On one hand we had things that
we were 'exciting', well thought out, and made sense in a theorethical
sense... in the other corner we had something that was not just as
nice, but practical, and it worked out of the box. Who won? In all
cases, the most pragmatic design won. It's telling.

By the way, I put my two preferred tools on the 'simplicity first'
field, and that's CherryPy and SQLObject. It's a shame that I can't
help anymore as I am way too busy with my networking projects, but
that's my feeling anyway.

Carlos Ribeiro
Consultoria em Projetos
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