On 4/29/05, Greg Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >>Greg Wilson wrote:
> >>I think Ian Bicking or Michelle Levesque would be good choices for the
> >>role...
> > mike bayer wrote:
> > Michelle is currently a computer science undergrad at the university of
> > Toronto.  Are you saying all the people with many years of real-world
> > experience building dynamic web applications and sites for the corporate
> > world and the educational world should be forced to obey the technical
> > direction of a college student with no professional experience ?
> Greg Wilson wrote:
> Nope, I didn't say that at all (and I don't think that putting words in
> people's mouths helps this discussion at all).  This is open source: no
> one can "force" anyone to do anything, not even Guido.  I mentioned Ian
> and Michelle because they know the players, have worked with most of the
> candidate systems, and have demonstrated that they're willing to listen
> as well as talk; there are undoubtedly other people who could "play
> Guido" just as well.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> p.s. Ka-Ping Yee was "just an undergrad" when he started contributing to
> Python; I don't remember anyone thinking that ought to disqualify him.

I have a lot of respect for Michelle, but she has a *long* way to
before she can say she's worked with most of the candidate systems. 
There so *many* of them!

Best Regards,

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still get through.
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